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Rosie's Friends

Our Research

Friends of Rosie exists to provide ‘pump-priming’ funds of one or two years to childhood cancer research projects.

Pump-priming is the process of helping a project or idea get off the ground by providing initial funding. Friends of Rosie is unique in our role of kick-starting new childhood cancer research projects. Without that first bit of investment, many new ideas would never see the light of day and never be given the chance to potentially improve the treatment and outlook for children with cancer.  

It’s our aim for the projects we fund to secure longer-term funding from other charities and organisations. We enable the researchers to obtain one or two years of data to then give them the evidence needed to take the research project to the next stage. It is always our hope that the projects we kick-start will eventually get to clinical trial stage and ultimately improve treatments for children with cancer.  

AMRC Membership

We are members are the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) and part of the Children and Young People’s Cancer Coalition (CYPCC). 

The strength and experience of our Scientific Advisory Board members provides Friends of Rosie with a strong and trusted insight into current scientific priorities in childhood cancer research.  

Our Board has links with many other research organisations and charities. This helps to ensure that we are effective in our research funding decision-making; we don’t duplicate efforts; and we prioritise on the right research areas.  

Our Latest Research News:


Research Strategy


Research Priorities


Our Projects


Our Scientific Advisors

The key to cure is research.

We are 100% committed to funding new and innovative research to improve the treatment, diagnosis and prognosis of childhood cancer. 

Our Partners:


Katrina London

Katrina has specialised in the field of occupational personal injury for over 35 years and has worked exclusively for the victims of asbestos related diseases for the last 20 years.  Katrina is an APIL Accredited Occupational Disease and Asbestos Disease Specialist and Senior Litigator and has Law Society Personal Injury Accreditation. 


Carla Nuttall

Carla has over 20 years’ experience specialising in strategic communications, engagement and marketing across the public and private sector, including the BBC, Manchester Metropolitan University and Muse Developments. She is currently Executive Director of Corporate Affairs and Marketing for The Growth Company, an award-winning social enterprise that enables growth, creates jobs and improves lives.