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Rosie's Friends

Get your Christmas message poster now

Christmas message poster

Instead of sending Christmas cards at work, college or school this year, display one of our FREE Christmas message posters. Pick a bauble on the poster, write your messages to each other and donate.

Each printed Christmas message poster comes with a cardboard collection box, so you can make a donation for every Christmas message you write on the poster. It’s quick, sustainable and you’ll be helping children with cancer at the same time. It’s also lovely to see all the messages colleagues and friends write to each other on the poster. A bit of feel-good, festive fun and good wishes to share with all.

Alternatively, you can download and print the poster here and ask your colleagues, friends and visitors to donate via our website instead.

To get a printed poster and collection box posted to you, just email info@friendsofrosie.co.uk stating the following information:

  • Company / Organisation Name
  • Organisation Address
  • How many posters and donation boxes required
  • Contact name
  • Contact email and phone number

You’ll be helping us to fund more research projects looking for gentler and more effective treatments for children with cancer.


Katrina London

Katrina has specialised in the field of occupational personal injury for over 35 years and has worked exclusively for the victims of asbestos related diseases for the last 20 years.  Katrina is an APIL Accredited Occupational Disease and Asbestos Disease Specialist and Senior Litigator and has Law Society Personal Injury Accreditation. 


Carla Nuttall

Carla has over 20 years’ experience specialising in strategic communications, engagement and marketing across the public and private sector, including the BBC, Manchester Metropolitan University and Muse Developments. She is currently Executive Director of Corporate Affairs and Marketing for The Growth Company, an award-winning social enterprise that enables growth, creates jobs and improves lives.