A massive well done to eight year old, Elizabeth, who has raised £350 with her cold shower challenge for children’s cancer research. Fantastic effort Elizabeth and a huge thank you to everyone who donated. We’re facing tough times ahead as a charity and you’ve helped ensure children with cancer aren’t forgotten.
If Elizabeth has inspired your children to do some lockdown fundraising, just set up a fundraising page at https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/giving/ and select Friends of Rosie as your charity. Please ensure you follow Government guidelines on social distancing and exercise.
It is wonderful to see so many children raising money to help other children. There are endless benefits to getting children involved in fundraising and supporting charities. It teaches children that helping others can make a difference and make other people’s lives better.
Fundraising also gives children a sense of responsibility and helps them feel empowered. They can see how their actions make a positive difference. It also teaches children to be grateful for the life they have as they see others who are not as fortunate as them. You can also teach them about maths and finances along the way as they gather donations.
From cold showers and helping with chores, to a sponsored silence or a bath in beans! There’s loads of ways for children to have fun while fundraising. Please encourage your children to have fun fundraising and make a difference to children with cancer.