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Rosie's Friends

Go Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness

September is the internationally recognised month for childhood cancer awareness. And gold is the official colour for childhood cancer. This month, we’re joining forces with a whole host of other children’s cancer charities, community groups, families and supporters to help raise awareness of the need for more research into the causes, diagnosis and treatment of childhood cancer.

During 2018/19 childhood cancer research received only 4.4% of the UK funding spend on cancer research (International Cancer Research Partnership). What that means in real terms is some children today still being treated with the same drugs as 30 + years ago. Young children and their growing bodies being treated with drugs designed for adults. Children being left with long-term late effects that will detrimentally affect them for the rest of their lives.

There is no doubt that improvements in treatment and survival rates for some childhood cancers are increasing, but 4% simply isn’t enough. Especially when you think of the number of advertising campaigns that use emotive images of children with cancer to raise funds.

September is a focussed opportunity to raise awareness of the need for more dedicated childhood cancer research. Research that could also inform and improve treatments for adult forms of the disease.

Our supporters have a whole host of activities and fundraising organised for this month – so watch this space and our social media for updates.

If you’d like to fundraise during September to help support childhood cancer research, please just get in touch for a fundraising pack.

Be the difference.


Katrina London

Katrina has specialised in the field of occupational personal injury for over 35 years and has worked exclusively for the victims of asbestos related diseases for the last 20 years.  Katrina is an APIL Accredited Occupational Disease and Asbestos Disease Specialist and Senior Litigator and has Law Society Personal Injury Accreditation. 


Carla Nuttall

Carla has over 20 years’ experience specialising in strategic communications, engagement and marketing across the public and private sector, including the BBC, Manchester Metropolitan University and Muse Developments. She is currently Executive Director of Corporate Affairs and Marketing for The Growth Company, an award-winning social enterprise that enables growth, creates jobs and improves lives.